Saturday, October 13, 2007

What a trooper

Way back in July, Jordan had surgery on his mouth to help four impacted teeth come down. These teeth--two on the top and two on the bottom--have been missing for almost 4 years. Well, the orthodontist decided that there was plenty of room in his mouth, and that we had waited long enough. So he sent me to an oral surgeon to fix the problem. They made incisions in his gums, bracketed the teeth, and then attached a chain to the brackets. About a week later, the orthodontist "activated" the chains and hooked them to the wire on his braces. (And we thought Tanner's palette expander looked like a torture device--this looked even worse.) He was in immense pain, but didn't complain even once. That's huge for him--what a trooper! And talk about being a tough guy, he didn't even take the pain medication. Every 6 weeks, when the orthodontist checks Jordan's braces, he also sees if he can take a link out of the chain to move those teeth down. We were told it could take up to a year for the teeth to come into place. We hoped that they would move quickly so he could move onto the next phase in his braces. No one wants to be in braces for 3+ years. Well, the 2 teeth on the bottom have started coming in. YEAH!!
You can see how happy Jordan is about this. Plus, if you look closely, in the mouth close-up you can see the little gold chains coming out of his gums in the top teeth. You can also see his bottom right tooth finally coming in.

1 comment:

Rinez said...

Lookin good Jordan.