Thursday, August 30, 2007

Almost 40 and in denial

Here's some pictures of Jerel's birthday. He turned 39 and is in denial that he's almost 40. As one of his friends, Matt, puts it "He's as close to it as he's going to get--without actually being there." In the pictures you can see Jerel looking for his gifts during our family's traditional "hot and cold" gift finding game. (Jerel started this tradition because he didn't want to wrap gifts for me one birthday.) And he loves his new shirt! He can't wait for someone to come up and tell him it's spelled wrong.

Look, there's so many candles it took 3 people to light them all. The next few pictures made me laugh so hard. Jerel looked so funny in this picture when I took it. He was actually directing us while we were all singing "Happy Birthday."

Now he's singing "Happy Birthday to me" with us. Hey, that's a lot of fire going on. Can you help me blow all these out?


Shannon said...

Hope it was a good one!!

Boyce said...

39???? Are you sure? You kind of look 40. I dunno....I may have to see a birth certificate! Love you bro! Hope your birthday was GREAT!