Saturday, February 16, 2008

Tanner and the Bee

Tanner was in the School spelling bee in January. He was his classroom's winner, and therefore competed with all the 4th-6th grade winners in the "finals." The winner of the school would then go on to the district competition. He's always been a good speller, but I don't think he realized how much you have to study to really do well. He was sporadic with his studying, but he tried to learn some of the "tips" of how German words are spelled a certain way, and how Latin root words help, etc. It was kind of cute (and hard) to watch him as he would sometimes overthink a word before he spelled it. I think he was the only kid who asked for the origin of a word during the competition. He did GREAT and got through to the 4th round before he got out. He finished in the top 10 out of 24 kids. The word he missed was sequin. I was so proud of him. He and his friend Nate were the only ones to get out on that round so they were happy they got out at the same time. You can see him pictured above with Nate.


Shannon said...

Tanner I was in many a spelling bee and I NEVER won. Megi always beat me. And she still remembers to this day what words I missed.:)

Rinez said...

Wow, that brings back memories. Keep it up Tanner! Good work!

MegiJones said...

Good work, Tanner! I remember spelling bees...they are lots of hard work and you should be proud of yourself!

Bonnie said...

I am proud that Tanner has such a desire to learn and to do his best. I thought it was particularly great that he was the only one to ask the country of origin for one of the words.

Lindy said...

Hey Tanner, I did a Spelling Bee as well and didn't win. I missed the word "delicious". I always spell that word right now. :)