Saturday, August 23, 2008

The big 40!

Jerel turned 40 today and I just wanted to share with you guys the top 40 reasons why I love Jerel. It took me only a few minutes to think of them because he has so many great qualities. I really could have listed much more. He's just such a great guy and I'm lucky to be married to him. Here's my 40 reasons why I love Jerel:

1. Honors his priesthood—dresses in his Sunday best to give blessings even if it’s 3:00 a.m. or Christmas Eve
2. Has a testimony of the gospel and loves the Lord
3. Loves musicals and can sing along to most of the songs too
4. Is my best friend—I can talk to him about anything
5. Doesn’t get mad when I start a sentence with “Promise you won’t get mad . . .”
6. Is very athletic, is great at most sports and loves anything about them
7. Extremely patient with me and the kids
8. Is totally funny—even “ha-larious” at times
9. Picks up after himself (without being asked)
10. Is a GREAT dad
11. Will turn off sports center or ESPN if I ask—which is a huge sacrifice since he watches anything on ESPN—including the spelling bee, basketball, table tennis, baseball, etc.
12. Coaches his kids in sports and does a fabulous job
13. Still pretends he speaks Russian and has a dragon named Zantha
14. Makes great waffles whenever the kids ask
15. Tries to come home early if I need him
16. Is really smart
17. Is a good provider for us
18. Never complains about being sick
19. Sees the blessings or “silver linings” in ALL things
20. Likes to go see plays with me
21. Went with me to American Idol and pretended to enjoy it
22. Has gotten really good at birthdays, anniversaries and Christmas gift giving
23. Doesn’t get frustrated when I read a book the whole time on road trips and never take a turn driving
24. Watches So You Think You Can Dance with me and make comments like he really cares about it
25. Love to wear and collect baseball hats from everywhere
26. Loves me no matter what, in fact he loves his whole family unconditionally, and I love how he treats his mom
27. Took me to the temple to be married and still takes me there often
28. My proposal was a surprise
29. Works hard at everything and teaches my boys that “a job worth doing is a job worth doing right”
30. Can fix pretty much anything
31. Keeps track of the kids when I’m talking with friends or playing games
32. Explains the scoring system of tennis every time we watch it on TV without complaint
33. Never acts worried, especially when I am
34. Cleans the house without being asked to—and does a good job too
35. Thinks it’s important for our boys to learn how to clean/work in the house AND in the yard—and works right along side them as he teaches them
36. Says he’s sorry first
37. Fulfills any calling he has whether it’s primary teacher or Elder’s Quorum President
38. Still insists he was raised by cheetahs
39. Plays tiger with the kids
40. Has a great singing voice even though he won’t admit it—and pretends to sing opera for the kids
p.s. To see a little tribute/slideshow about him, you can click here to go to his mom's blog. There's some good pictures there and a little blurb about him. She had three kids this week, including Shad and Jerel on the same day so there's a lot of good stuff there. Happy birthday Shad and Janel!


Bonnie said...

How wonderful for you, Camille, to write down all of these things and also how wonderful of Jerel to be this kind of a person. Congratulations to Jerel on winning my Where in the World is the Riv contest on my blog on his birthday eve. I still don't know how he figured out it was Montmarte. Just one question: How come you never told me you were raised by cheetahs? I love you, Jerel! Thanks for always being so nice to me.

Bonnie said...
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Bonnie said...
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Rinez said...

Ok, Camille, way to make me cry! Thank you for being such a good wife and for honoring Jerel this day with your detailed description of his good qualities. I couldn't agree with you more and couldn't have put it better. Happy Birthday, Son! We love you!

Bonnie said...

I forgot to say how nice that picture is of both of you on this post. Camille, you have such a cute expression on your face. Please email me a copy.

I have to apologize. When I tried publishing my first post to you, it wouldn't disappear from the comment box and appear on the left side of the screen. I hit publish twice but nothing happened, but after I clicked on publish the 3rd time, all of a sudden 3 identical comments appeared on the screen. So now, you don't have to wonder who the phantom comments were from.

Have a great day today. I can hardly wait to hear about the party. Take pictures of all the neighborhood signs, decorations, and people at the party and post them on your blog.

Shannon said...

Yeah I agree, his voice is great for musicals...I can hear it now..."If I Were A Rich Man." Happy Birthday!

Jenn Fort Haderlie said...

Happy Birthday Jerel! We sure miss you guys!

MegiJones said...

Very cute and sweet! Happy bday Jerel!

laurie said...

You are very lucky! Maybe blessed is a better word. Happy birthday Jerel.

Nickie said...

Happy happy birthday!
I hope you had a great day, keep up the running while you can cuz pretty soon your joints are all gonna give out, and you'll end up in the old folk's home drinking prune juice-yep, that's just around the corner, I'm here to remind you.
Seriously, I hope you had a great birthday, it's been a crappy year, at least you could have a good b-day!
Love you guys!