Thursday, May 22, 2008

Roller Derby Diva

I guess Camille really took this Roller Derby idea to heart and has been out practicing her moves with a local club as evidenced by this photo (thanks Mary for capturing this image!). Now we just need to come up with an appropriate stage name for her. The names being considered right now are Punky Bruiser, Sandra Day O'Clobber, Devilicious, Ace of Skates, Eva Knievel, and Lady MacDeath. Any other ideas?


Rinez said...

Go Camille!

Camille said...

Hey Mary, thanks for the picture. I can always count on you for taking great pictures and bailing us out when we forget our camera. You're great at the action shots.

(BTW, I laughed for forever when I saw this--toooo funny!!)

Mary said...

That's me--always happy to help out!

Jenn Fort Haderlie said...

thats funny, LOVE the picture

Nickie said...

Okay, I like Punky Bruiser, that fits pretty good, and it also says to the others, "Hey, I'm nice-but fear me!"
Yeah, you should go with that.

TeamGornold said...

hey camille,
i don't mind you checkin' out my blog one bit. i have been checkin out yours
you are listed on my blog as crazy in az. i gave bonnie the website address, but haven't really heard from her yet.
hope all is well

Angela said...

That's a hysterical photo! I love it!

Rafaelle said...

I like Lady McDeath myself! Anyway, thanks a load for substituting for me in primary on Sunday. I'll bring by the lesson either tonight or tomorrow morning if that's okay? Either way I'll call before I come over! Break a leg! Not yours, someone elses! [Ha! Ha!]

Amy Ras said...

Wow, Camille! Who would have known. You are versatile!

Camille said...

I know, I have many hidden talents just waiting to be discovered--or maybe they should stay hidden. lol

Carrie Cummings said...

Camille--so funny!

Hey I have to apologize. My mom asked me the other day if I had called you.

I felt sooo terrible. I realized in all our remodeling I hadn't called you. When she told me you called we weren't even staying at our house. We were having wood floors installed and so we were staying with Russ' mom. And I am sorry to say I don't have your number.

Anyway, sorry. You probably wondered if I'd lost my mind. Gee whiz, you find a long lost friend, try to contact them and then don't call. Sorry!!

I really am thrilled to find you. Your family is so cute. It looks like you do some fun things with your boys. You have a wonderful family.

I just barely started blogging, so I am afraid I am not very good yet. But email me and we will catch up. I would LOVE to chat!!!

Dee said...

Is it too late to weigh-in on a name? How 'bout "Camille's on Wheels"? Great action shot... I didn't know you were so aggressive!