Saturday, December 22, 2007

Chocolates anyone?

I know I've mentioned this before, but Chase is totally in the phase in life where he likes to play pranks. And as pranks are played on him, he has adopted the motto, "Turn about is fair play." As long as it's good clean fun, I'm okay with it.

A few weeks back, two of Chase's friends (that happen to be girls) came and dropped off some really nasty food on our doorstep. When I say "dropped off" I mean that they rang the doorbell and ran. Of course, they ran extremely slow in the middle of the road, and while wearing really noisy flip flops. So my theory is that they wanted to be caught :) I remember well those days.

It was a brownie or chocolate cake with ketchup, relish and all sorts of gross stuff added on top. It smelled disgusting. There was a little note attached that said, "Enjoy!" Chase's first words were, "They ruined a perfectly good brownie." Leave it to him and his stomach to think of the tragedy of the food being ruined first.

Jerel then gave Chase a great idea on how to get those girls back. He learned this trick from his own father, Grandpa Doug. Somehow I'm not surprised. So this is what he did. He got a box of wrapped chocolates for each girl. We carefully opened the wrapping paper and slid the box out. Chase and Jordan then filled the box with celery, carrots, apples, bell peppers, garlic, etc. He then put it all back together, and I sealed the wrapping paper up perfectly. (Yes, I took part in it too.) You could NOT even tell that it had been opened. Seriously, look how good that box looks.

He took the first box by to Sabrina and he said something to the effect of "I know that we've played a lot of pranks on each other, but I just wanted you to have a Merry Christmas and thanks for being a good friend." Her mom told me that at first she was very suspicious of the whole thing. But then her mom said, "Oh, he sounded so sincere. I think that's really nice." Sabrina seemed to believe her. But then she opened the box and exclaimed, "I knew it was a prank." I can't wait to see what's in store for us next. lol


Gary said...

This is so funny! One of my daughters loved to play pranks but then after one particularly prank-filled girls camp, which included zip-tying the camp nazi (an over-enthusiastic young women's leader) into her tent, Rachel was called to be the Positive and Motivational Leader for the next year. I think they were trying to send her a message:}
You have a great family!

Bonnie said...

I am sure that Chase will come up with more pranks than those girls can handle. Let us know what he does next.