Wednesday, July 16, 2008


I was talking to someone this morning who just saw "Kung Fu Panda." I was reminded of my favorite line. "There is no charge for awesomeness... or attractiveness." So funny! I loved the movie and would highly recommend it to anyone. Click here for more awesome quote from the movie.


Bonnie said...

My favorite quote from the movie is one that I had heard years ago and had forgotten: "Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present." If I was going to put a quote on my wall this would be it. I used to know who really said it. If anyone knows let me know.

Nickie said...

I'm gonna put Skadoosh on my wall, that's a really good, deep quote.
I've been trying to be a better runner, it's obviously on the back-burner right now, but I think it would be awesome to run a big fat 26 miles.
Go Joel!
Love you guys!